This course is cross-listed with the EWMBA Program.


Please note the unorthodox format of this course which meets all day on two Sundays. To earn a passing grade, you must attend BOTH class sessions in their entirety.


COURSE TITLE: Intrapreneurship for Sustainability: Driving Change from Within Corporations










MEETING DAY(S)/TIME: Sunday, Sept 7 & 21, 9:00AM—5:00PM 




CLASS FORMAT:  The class will involve a mixture of lectures, cases, guest speakers, and one team-based competition.


REQUIRED READINGS:  Readings and lecture notes will be posted on bSpace


BASIS FOR FINAL GRADE:  Participants will be evaluated on a combination of class participation, case briefs, and performance in the competition.



An organizational change approach to the development and introduction of new corporate strategies and product lines that have a sustainability benefit. Based upon first-hand experience both within – and consulting for – multi-national corporations, the instructor will offer insight into how students can act as effective ‘intrapreneurs’ to:

    1. Articulate the sustainability challenges facing today’s corporation in terms that will make them receptive to action
    2. Employ organizational change management techniques to spur environmentally-friendly product innovation
    3. Utilize quantitative metrics to analyze and capture the full market opportunity for said innovation


Students will be given the opportunity to work on real-world cases to help them effectively incorporate sustainability strategy into their chosen career path. The course will be of particular benefit to those seeking positions within large enterprises or in business consulting.



Emma Stewart, Ph.D., is Head of Sustainability Solutions at Autodesk, where she leads the design software company’s efforts to make sustainable design easy, insightful, and cost-effective for its millions of engineering and design customers. In 2009, Emma founded Autodesk’s Sustainable Design Living Lab program, which uses Autodesk facilities as a testing ground for new software to rapidly green existing buildings. In 2008, she founded its Sustainable Operations program, which was named best-in-class by the Carbon Disclosure Project. She co-developed Autodesk’s C-FACT methodology (a Corporate Finance Approach to Climate-stabilizing Targets), an open-source, science-driven, business-friendly approach to greenhouse gas target-setting.


Prior to Autodesk, she founded and directed the Environmental R&D Division at Business for Social Responsibility, where her team designed corporate initiatives to analyze and adapt to horizon issues such as payments for ecosystem services, water footprinting, carbon offsets and trading, voluntary supply chain standards, and sustainable product design. Emma has been a regularly featured columnist for Harvard Business Online, Environmental Leader, and GreenBiz and her work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Financial Times, Forbes, Chicago Tribune, The International Herald Tribune, The Huffington Post, Inside Washington, Environmental Finance, Environmental Law Journal, and Sustainable Industries, among others. She is a contributing author to a number of recent books: Corporate Responses to Climate Change, The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Business, and Carbon Trading.


Emma has been named a Next Generation Fellow by Columbia University (2007), a Cabinet Member of the World Economic Forum’s Low Carbon Taskforce (2008), a Judge for the Clean Tech Open (2009), and a First Mover Fellow by The Aspen Institute (2010). She has lectured at dozens of universities and Fortune1000 companies, and has been an invited speaker at the National Press Club in DC, the UN Conference of the Parties, the World Conservation Congress, Greenbuild, and Ecobuild. She holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Management from Stanford University and a B.A. Honours degree in Human Sciences from Oxford University.